dimanche 20 novembre 2016

The roman medicine Part. 1

Thanks to the work of the historians, we know that Romain was more moved forward regarding medicine than we could believe it.

In Rome, there were several types different from doctors, specialized in tasks or different parts of the body and having neither the same qualifications nor the same place in the hierarchy. The medical techniques used by the Roman doctors were very sophisticated in numerous domains.

Our knowledge about the medicine of this period are moreover strongly built on the objects which we drilled up to date in Roman archeological sites and which say length on the doctors who used them.

Because the medicine was a part of the everyday life of the Roman people, these people worshiped gods specific to the medicine, gods who possessed their particular legends.

As soon as the medicine spread in Roman Empire, it was necessary to regulate the profession: there were thus laws planned to allow the justice to cut in several situations in touch with the medicine.

But before explain, a little of history...

Since its birth, the Roman people use the medicine. But this medicine, traditional, is based on vague faiths and strange recipes rather than on the scientific truths, what makes it almost always ineffective. It is practised by quacks. At the same moment, the Greek medicine is very developed and follows scientific principles inspired by the researches for Hippocrates and by others.

But it is going to change the end of the IIIth century b. J.C. Indeed, competent doctors, all of Greek origin, make their appearance in Rome, what is one of the facets of the movement of the Hellenism (Greek civilization having settled down in a foreign country in Greece, here Ancient Rome).

The first one who left his track is the deprived doctor Archagathus, of Sparta, in 219 b. J.C. Already, traditionalists, whom famous Cato the Elder, rebel (Cato is an ancient consul appointed supreme a magistrate and Roman writer been born in 234 b. J.C. and died in 149 b. J.C. It is known for its traditionalism, its refusal of the Hellenism, but also for its treaty of agriculture ).

However, more and more doctors settle down, and the medicine eventually spreads almost everywhere

Nevertheless, it is only at the beginning of Ier century b. J.C. that is established the first school (private) of medicine in Rome. It is Asclepiades of Bithynia's work. The first official school of medicine, or scola medicorum, as for it, will be created in 14 af. J.C. at the end of the reign of the Emperor Augustus (63 b. J.C.-14 af. J.C.). Cornelius Celsus, the only one Roman of origin to have left a real imprint in the medical, brilliant domain by its objectivity and its common sense, writes at that time the biggest treaty of medicine of the Roman antiquity named de re medica, drafted in Latin, recapitulating all the knowledge medical - surgical accumulated since the works of Hippocrates.

This work also establishes bases of Latin scientific terminology (all terms associated to a notion). It will be the first one handled with medicine to be printed in 1478.

The Emperor Augustus decides during its reign to join doctors to all the military trainings: they are medici castrenses. At about II th century, the State decides to create a system of social work: so, he sets up hospitals where public doctors, paid by the state itself, provide medical care free in the most deprived. Imperial doctors also exist.

In the IIth century, Claudius Galen's works, generally considered as the biggest Roman doctor, as well as his papers, revolutionize the medicine and the pharmacy. 
Not less than 500 works were written by the hand

The IVth century sees the State trying to regulate the profession of doctor: since the access of the doctors foreign to the citizenship under Julius Caesar, their rights were excessive. So, its establishes a hierarchy between the doctors. This system continues until the fall of Roman Empire.

Different types of doctor

In the Roman society, several sorts of doctors live, which distinguish themselves by their speciality and\or by the status of the patients after which they look.

  • The general practitioner is the most wide-spread: it is capable of establishing a diagnosis for any disease and has as its name indicates it general medical knowledge of all the possible affections.
  • The Roman surgeon exists: he treats the patients by operating them manually by using surgical instruments. The surgery is extremely developed at this moment by the History
  • The ophthalmologist, the specialist of the affections of eyes. He uses eye drops (generally liquid medicine, applied to eyes to handle certain problems of eyes or eyelids). Uses of the corrective glasses is still unknown.
  • The dentist can look after caries and put false teeth as bridges. The dentistry is even closer to what we know today that the other specialities in Rome.
The medicine by herbs is very used by Romain. The itinerant doctors sell remedies and creams with herbs as the fennel, the parsley, the sage, the rosemary...

There are some more other specialities.

The types of doctors by type of patients

The Roman doctors can also differ according to their patients.

  • The public doctors are taken care by the Roman State. They can look after whoever who appears at them, just like our modern public hospitals. They preside in cities and their number is limited by Antonine's laws Pickets. Some preside in Aesculapia, places dedicated to the medicine and endowed with medical equipments, but also with thermal baths, with temples …

  • We have not much knowledge on the military medicine during the Republic. But Auguste, during his reign, reorganizes the military apparatus and adds it particularly well trained doctors, them militate medici, that must make a commitment for a duration of 16 years in valetudinaria, military counterparts of aesculapiaThere is a hierarchy between them: an administrator, doctors connected with the legion, with the troop, etc. These doctors must be capable of looking after any war wound.
  • The private medicine is spread in Rome: many owners possess their own doctors, whom they feed and maintain. All the leading characters surrounded themselves with private doctors. To the imperial palace preside medici palatini, particularly endowed and often very well paid by the emperor.

  • Most of the Roman doctors are slaves or emancipated slaves (the latter are more estimated for important characters) and are native of Greece or surrounding regions. There are also itinerant doctors: these characters are named circulatores in Latin. As their name indicates it, they move of city in town, in the big gatherings of crowd generally, to sell medicine in the form of herbs, of creams … Because of the ineffectiveness of most of these remedies, this type of doctors is badly considered: we qualify them as quacks.

    To be continued for the Part 2.


     I have been talking too much to Italy... 

    So today I will talk about

    Barcelona !

    This city is in Spain (noooo ? ) in Catalonia.

    Barcelona has his history already since the Roman Empire, and it would be complicated explain everything, so I will just explain the different things we can see in Barcelona.

    Barcelona is separated by 10 districts :

    First, everyone know that the most impressive monument you have to see is the Sagrada Família 

    situated in the district Eixample

    But you can see others Gaudí's monuments like la casa Milà o casa Battló

    La casa Batlló is in the disctrict "right" of the Eixample like la casa Milà

    Another work of Gaudí is El parc Güell 

    But the thing you have to visit if your gourmand...

    Is the Chocolate Museum !

    Where your ticket is just CHOCOLATE

    You can visit too el poble espanyol ( the spanish village ) that represent the architecture of all independent comunities of spain

    mardi 15 novembre 2016

    Dead Poets Society

    I will talk about a movie very important for me, because it gives a real lesson for everyone...

    Dead Poets Society

    This story occur in 1959, in USA. 
    Todd Anderson, a shy boy, is sent in prestigious Walton Academy ( a fictitious place ), in Vermont, renowned to be one of the most closed and austere of the country and where his brother did brillant studies.
    He meets there a teacher of English letters with practices quite unusual-looking, Mr. Keating, who encourages the refusal of the comformity, the blooming of the personalities and the taste of freedom.

    Wanting at the most follow the new way which is presented to them,  some students will be breathing new life to the Dead Poets Society, a group of free and dreamlike minds, which Mr. Keating was, at the appropriate time, one of members more influential.

    The discovered of a new life will forever be turning the future of this students. In fact, the situations of the diverse characters lend themselves hardly to the exercise of these liberties recently discovered because the mindsets of parents and teachers don't accept that their authority is questioned by these young personalities trying to break for too rigid rules of the time.

    lundi 14 novembre 2016


    The most spectacular supermoon since 1948 will light up the sky, appearing 14 per cent bigger and 30 per cent brighter than usual.
    The event on Monday November 14 - described as "undeniably beautiful" by American space agency Nasa - is the result of the moon coming closer to Earth than it has done for 69 years.

    Nothing will match it until the moon makes a similar approach on November 25 2034.

    On top of the moon's bigger than usual size, they will then be treated to an additional "low-hanging moon" effect.
    This is an optical illusion caused by the moon being close to the horizon, where it can be measured against familiar objects such as trees and houses.

    What is a supermoon ?

    The impressive sight happens when a full moon is closest to Earth. It orbits our planet in an oval shape so sometimes it comes closer to us than at other times. To us Earth-lings, the moon appears 30 per cent brighter and 14 per cent bigger. 
    By the way, supermoon is not an astrological term. It's scientific name is perigee-syzygy, but supermoon is more catchy, and is used by the media to describe our celestial neighbour when it gets up close.

    Some words :

    catchy : likely to attract interest or attention

    shape : the appearence of an object

    vendredi 11 novembre 2016

    Leonard Cohen, the Blues Rocker

    I learnt this morning than Leonard Cohen died this Thursday, he was 82

    The singer of "Halleluja" was born in Montreal on Sept. 21, 1934, and grew up in the prosperous suburb of Westmount. His father, Nathan, whose family had emigrated to Canada from Poland, owned a successful clothing store ; he died when Leonard was 9, but this will included a provision for a small trust fund, which later allowed his son to pursue his literary and musical ambitions. His mother, the former Masha Klonitzky, a nurse, was of Lithuanian descent and the daughter of a Talmudic scholar and rabbi. "I had a messianic childhood", Mr. Cohen would later say.

    Over a musical career that spanned nearly five decades, Mr. Cohen wrote songs that addressed ( in spare language that could be both oblique and telling ) themes of love and faith, despair and exaltation, solitude and connection, war and politic. More than 2,000 recordings of his songs have been made, initially by the folk-pop singers who were his firsts champions, like Judy Collins and Tim Hardin, and later by performers from across the spectrum of popular music, among them U2, Aretha Franklin, R.E.M, Jeff Buckley, Trisha Yearwood and Elton John.

    This singer was one of the most important for me, his songs rocked mi childhood and will continue to enchant me every time I will listen to one.

    source : ABC journal

    Some words : 

    Fund : a sum of money set aside for a specific purpose

    Talmudic : of or pertaining to the Talmud

    Messiah : The promise deliverer of the jewish people

    Oblique : indirectly expressed

    United Kindom, new projects ?

    As you know, I'm in love of Italy.
    I've already visited Roma, Firenze, Lucca, Ostia, Pisa, Bologna...

    But I never visited United Kindom... 
    And if even the rain is a part of this country.. 
    ( I hate the rain and the cold )

    Will UK be my new target ? 

    There is so many things to talk about United Kindom

    First, all of us know that UK is composed of four countries :
    England, Scotland, Wales and Nothern Ireland.

    It's a constitutional monarchy, and the Queen is Elisabeth II

    But United Kindom is too a big influence in the fashion.

    But that I prefer in United Kindom is his history. It's one of the most important country of the world and I hope I will visit this country soon !

    Some words : 

    Target : a fixed goal or objective