mardi 7 juin 2016

Bye bye ESO !

It's the end of the year 2015-2016... And I'll leave ( I hope ) the ESO. 
To have the ESO, it's as have the GCSE in England.

I was in France, and I arrived in Spain in the year 2014-2015. But is in the year 2015-2016 that I developed my capacities, especially in english. 

I've improved, I've grown up
It's surprising how we change in so littler time.

The next year, I'll study humanistic Baccalaureate. 
My options will be Grec, Latin, French ( so difficult ) , and world literature.

Normally, I've to leave this blog, but if I find time, I'll try write, and post something insteresting ( ? )

Anyway, I'm happy to leave the ESO, and Begin to study things really importants for my future.

dimanche 5 juin 2016

My animals

Maybe you have animals... or not, but in my case, yes I have animals ( and not only one ! )

So, I'll  present you my (crazy) animals !

Dandy Blue

He's a Birman, he is 9 and his color is blue point ( greyon the extremities) 
He's soft as a teddy bear but with his brother, he's jealous and dominant.

Délice D'Or

He's the Dandy's brother, but him is red point ( sand colour on the extremities ) 
He's kind with me, but he's "frustated" because of his brother.. So he's a little bit... "Tyrannical" with the others animals... But he's cute, no ?

or M.Gras ( traduction --> M. Fat )
or Bébé chat meugnooooooon ( please, don't try to find why ) 

I've never seen a cat so... ragdoll ? 
We found him on the garbages, he was almost dying...

And now look at this
( cat or not cat ? That is the question, Shakespeare.. )

Yes, he's sleeping like that...  Always ! 
Sometimes I'm thinking that he's human... But he's better than a human, he has a caracter as a human, but he's a cat ! 
So great, no ?

( I just want to be like Siperman.. Bur I'm practising for the moment ! )

( " I love you, slave... )

( But just stop taking photos !.." ) 

But too I've my horses 
( and sorry for the photos, isn't a great quality )

( I've arleady talked about her )

Simply The Best With Eva
( this name is really modest)

Fakir ( Or Kirou or just Krou )
with Simply
Love is beeeeeautiful
(I don't have another photo, sorry )

( Sefiiiiine )


Today, I'll present you a person you could see on my photos ; my best friend Eva

When I arrived in Spain ( now 2 years ago ) we knew each other and we never separeted.
She's my opposite : I've Brown hair and she blond, I've Brown eyes and she blue. But there's something we share : we are both mad

A woman, or a ghost ? That is the question !