mardi 12 janvier 2016

New Years Resolutions

First, I want to wish you 
Happy new Year !

And I think you known, every new year, we have resolutions ! 
So, I'll present you my resolutolutions ! =D

1. Speak Italian perfectly : 
Cause I LOOOOOVE Italy
I want to live there, and study there...
And for that, i need to speak the language ! 

2. Have the motobike licence :
With that, i'll be able to have the

3. Have better marks :
I've good marks, yeah... but i want BETTER marks !
only solution : study !


No... it's a joke ha ha... NO DON'T HIT ME !

5.  Be better for everything...
Cause it's better when you are the best... 

4. Make my closest friends and my family happy 

See all smilling !