mardi 1 décembre 2015

The cinema and I

Finally, I can write whatever I want !

hem..  Sorry...

If you don't know, I LOVE the theater, and particuraly, the cinema 

For my, is THE purpose of my life. 

The theater is for me a way to free myself, be another person 
It's so entertaining  ( especially if the character is funny )

To do that, I've to study ( Yeah yeah... ) 
So, I'll do the "Cours Florent" in France. A school where you learn the art of the theater, cinema ( actor or director ), the facial expressions, improvisations, monologue...

It's a dream for me, like a lot people. 
But for me, this dream must be real

And I'll do everything  to fulfill it

Such thinks to learn... 
But i've the time and the determination with me 

Kisses and Byyyye